Python | sympy.perfect_power()方法
借助 sympy.perfect_power() 方法,我们可以找到两个整数 b 和 e ,使得 b e 等于给定的数 n 。
句法: 完成式_幂(n)
参数: n–表示整数。
返回: 返回一个整数元组(b,e),这样 b e == n。
# import perfect_power() method from sympy
from sympy import perfect_power
n = 64
# Use perfect_power() method
b, e = perfect_power(n)
print("n = {}".format(n))
print("b = {} and e = {}.".format(b, e))
print("{}^{} == {}".format(b, e, n))
n = 64
b = 2 and e = 6.
2^6 == 64
例 2:
# import perfect_power() method from sympy
from sympy import perfect_power
n = 64
# Use perfect_power() method
b, e = perfect_power(n, big = False)
print("n = {}".format(n))
print("b = {} and e = {}.".format(b, e))
print("{}^{} == {}".format(b, e, n))
n = 64
b = 8 and e = 2.
8^2 == 64